5 Questions with NOD's Director of Corporate and Government Relations
Get to Know Charles-Edouard Catherine
Tell us about your personal connection to disability inclusion.
I have RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa), I grew up visually impaired, became blind as a teenager. For many years I didn’t want to work in the disability field, I wanted to prove myself that I could do something else, mainstream. I was also running away from my community, I wasn’t comfortable with my identity as a blind individual.
What can you tell us about yourself that we can’t learn from your bio?
I feel like a fraud most of the time!
What is your proudest professional achievement? Personal?
Professional: I feel successful when I’m able to share my passion for disability inclusion, when I’m able to truly connect with people.
Personal: being able to celebrate myself when I do something well.
What lesson would you share with your future self?
Don’t worry so much about your future, be confident, show your true self to others –  this is when you will be at your best.
What is your motto or favorite quote?
“What is well conceived is clearly stated.”
– Nicolas Boileau