5 Questions with NOD's New CEO
Get to Know Beth Sirull
Tell us about your personal connection to disability inclusion.
Mental health challenges are particularly near and dear to my heart. I have dealt with anxiety for as long as I can remember, often combined with episodes of depression. These conditions have shaped my life. I have a sole child—who I refer to as my soul child--due to significant post-partum depression. My son is neurodivergent, and like me, deals with anxiety. Sadly, several members of my extended family have died prematurely due to suicide and addiction issues.
What can you tell us about yourself that we can’t learn from your bio?
Fun Fact: I have arranged two blind dates that resulted in long-term marriages. Both times I had an uncanny sense that the two people belonged together. I like to think of that as the pinnacle of my ability to bring people who should know each other together, whether that be in personal or professional settings.
What is your proudest professional achievement? Personal?
I have been so fortunate to have an impactful career! It is hard to pick one professional achievement that I am most proud of.
A few highlights include receiving the California Leadership Award for empowering small businesses in underserved communities, doubling assets and granting $750 million at the Jewish Community Foundation San Diego, and fostering a successful leadership transition within my team.
On a personal note, I learned to ski in my 40s, proving it's never too late to embrace new challenges.
What lesson would you share with your 25-year-old self?
Slow down and breathe. Talk less and listen more. Don’t be afraid to try new things that you might not be any good at—you could end up having a ton of fun!
What is your motto or favorite quote?
My favorite quote comes from Viktor Frankel: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”