NOD CEO, Beth Sirull Responds to Economist Magazine Cover

Video transcript below

Hi, I’m Beth Sirull, CEO of the National Organization on Disability. Today, I want to address a recent cover of The Economist. The cover, headlined 'No Way to Run a Country,' depicts a walker with the seal of the President of the United States.

I want to speak plainly and say that this imagery is deeply troubling and blatantly ableist. It sends a harmful message that individuals with disabilities are unfit to lead or hold significant roles in our society.

Let me be very clear: having a disability does NOT diminish a person's ability to lead, innovate, or make impactful decisions. You may recall that one of our country's most successful Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt used a wheelchair.

At the National Organization on Disability, we emphatically reject such discriminatory narratives. We call on The Economist to issue an apology to the over 1.5 Billion people living with disability. The Economist and all media outlets must recognize the potential impact of such messaging.

We urge everyone to challenge ableism and to support inclusivity in all aspects of life, especially in leadership roles, which set the tone for all of society.