Virtual Career Fair
April 17, 2025 | 10 AM - 1 PM ET
9 AM CT | 8 AM MT | 7 AM PT
An opportunity for current students, recent graduates, and companies committed to disability inclusion to network in a welcoming environment.

Student / Grads
Particularly anyone who has had a 504, IEP, and/or school accommodation(s) anytime during your education.
Expand your network while learning more about internships, apprenticeships/programs, and full/part-time jobs for all majors and industries.
Discover roles across various fields, meet with hiring managers and recruiters from well-known companies prioritizing equitable hiring, and find opportunities fitting your skills, experience, and professional aspirations.

Engage with highly skilled, underrepresented students and recent graduates with disabilities from top colleagues and universities at NOD’s Virtual Career Fair.
- Gain access to new jobseekers eager to contribute to the workforce,
- Expand your talent pipeline with the next generation of graduates, and
- Broadcast your disability-friendly workplace to candidates who value an inclusive culture.
Please note: Participation is $300. The fee is waived for Leadership Council members as a thank you for their commitment to our organization.